
Video Reflection - Annie Leonard

Video Blog – Annie Leonard

The story of stuff is an organisation moving towards a cleaner future by uncovering the negative aspects of consumer products in modern times. The primary focus is to discuss this idea of toxics in, toxics out. The production of consumables is having an extremely negative effect on the environment, humans and life in general. Presenter Annie Leonard has explored these issues first hand to create the following three movies:

The story of electronics

·         Bad design or “design for the dump” is this idea that products are designed with planned obsolescence so that they last for a small amount of time and the break so that newer products are bought to increase profits.
·         Much of this obsolescence centres on Moore’s law, where processors double their speed every 18 months. Therefore products are continually updated and it is very rare that a product would last particularly long or would be considered old very quickly. 
·         Humanity is facing a toxic emergency. Some new and common products are linked to cancer causing technologies. Toxins that are incorporated into design aren’t released until thrown away, which creates e-waste. Approximately 25 tons of e-water is dumped per year.
·         Companies have begun to externalising costs, meaning  to reduce the problems for companies and pass them onto the consumer
·         Take back laws and checkpoints
·         Not exporting recycling
·         Design to last

The story of cosmetics

·         Certain chemicals lead to cancers, learning disabilities, asthma and male fertility.
·         Average woman uses 12 personal care products a day, men about 6.
·         Less than 20% of chemicals have been assessed for use in products.
·         Some brands claim to help fight against use of chemicals and then use them in their products.
·         No laws against the use of toxins

The story of bottled water

·         Bottled water can be less tasty and of less quality.
·         Manufactured demand
·         Scare the consumer
·         Images of seduction
·         Most are filtered tap water

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