
Upcycled - Light Design


  1. I love looking at your lamp because of the different types of shadows on it.By cutting out small circles, it balanced out the overall composition and the spread of light shown by the lamp. I would suggest you to try to experiment by adding different layers inside the inner area to add more depth and 3D feel from the inside?

  2. I love how the lamp is so neat and clean and also very oriental look which is great. The circular organic shape makes the lamp really balanced well. One thing to suggest as improvement is that you can play around more with the shadow that the lamp will make. I think the little holes may make some good illumination.

  3. the smooth edges of your design give a very comforting look, all in all good functionality AND good likeable design.
    only downside that i can see would be the wastage, other than that its great!

  4. I like how your light provides the circular motion to it and how the light can be seen clearly (not being too dim), however if it was more curvy it would give a more dimensional look to it.

  5. Amazing lamp, really original design. Fantastic use of layers and the simple pattern gives a great balance. Maybe using some of the poster with patterns could of given it a bit more effect but really stoked on this design.
